Admittedly, I am a complete snob about hotel rooms. I travel frequently and always look to experience the comfort and logic of good design from the moment I check in. The bed must be heavenly, the sheets crisp and perfectly pressed, and the floors preferably wood or stone (so nothing can hide in the carpets). Of course I pay extra attention to the bath, and appreciate a room in which smart design has been employed so that the tub and shower fittings are intuitive and visually sublime.

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I will be in London this week. The photos in this post were taken that last time I visited the V & A Museum.  Incredible art and objects combined with the architecture and the enthusiastic use of materials is always engaging, especially in this museum.

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Whenever I’m traveling between meetings or en route to our Waterworks showroom, I am obsessed with taking photographs of New York from every angle. From the street there are always surprises in small bites. But even views from 20 floors up capture long vistas and exploit the density of the city. I use only my iPhone for these photo ops, and am amazed by the quality of the images.

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Exposed tub fillers were all but lost for a time, except for the modest devices used in rusting footed tubs. Their scale was very small and they delivered a minimal amount of water, usually with broken white porcelain handles. Times have changed!

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